Nah, but anyway... Some moderately neat things have happened recently and I can't help being an oversharer so I thought hey, why not write a proper blog post (or more like... journal entry?) for once. But first, I wouldn't be myself if I wouldn't whine a little. Last week was tough, both for personal reasons I wouldn't wanna discuss further anymore and because it was a non-stop hellish onslaught of uni assignments and group projects; I was just so exhausted from those goddamn 5 hr long crunch time discord calls as our underrested and overburdened teams rushed to submit our papers/presentations before their deadlines that I was secretly longing for a time when I can just finally shut everyone out and lie down and stop talking; it's not that I don't like those people, they're good friends, but... eh, y'know, I guess sometimes spending way more time than you'd like to talking to anyone can unintentionally make you grow tired of em. Or at least I feel that way; it's always good to just simmer down after a round of socializing every now and then and have some alone time... Hopefully not in front of a computer screen either. Buuut the weekend brought a silver lining, as we finally had our first snowfall this year :D It was pretty brief but surprisingly heavy! Temperatures stayed sub-zero (Celsius... smh USA) for the rest of the day too, so it stayed at least until the next afternoon. The feeling and the sound of thick snow creaking under your boots as you walk is one of the few redeeming qualities of living on this gay earth and I await it every year, crossing my fingers that we'll finally have a white Christmas too, to put an end to the lame rainy and/or cloudy streak of the last couple of years :) However, as the snow melted away and it got a little warmer, I decided now was the perfect time to finally leave my dank cave and go for a little morning run after an extended hiatus. I'm the absolute opposite of a mornings person lol but I gotta say that there's nothing that wakes you up and energizes you better than a morning run (orr at least legally and without a prescription). So I dressed a little warmer than usual for my run and started jogging, listening to music through earbuds. It was already well past sunrise but you could still see a bit of an afterglow in the sky which was really pretty. So how did ol' lady Fortune reward me for finally building up the resolve to move my bony ass from the couch, you may wonder. Or not. Probably not, but I can't shut up about it anyway. Well, as soon as I ran out of my neighbourhood and into a little bit more of a rural area, I saw 2 big dogs roaming the street freely for some reason. "Well, shit. I hope they don't come trotting and growling at me", I thought, exactly 1 second before they started trotting towards me and growling threateningly. A proud-looking German Shepherd and a good ol' friendly Mutt, both perfect height to take my balls as a trophy in one clean bite. My heart was beating like crazy. I quickly turned the music off to listen in on any audible cues as to what they're gonna do, pressing a button on my earbuds; and it seemed like the sudden movement of my hand agitated them more. I slowed down to a near halt and didn't really know what to do, as they started circling me slowly like some goddamn wolfpack closing in on weak prey. The Shepherd barked at me while the Mutt bared his teeth. I was looking at the ground as hard as hard one can look at the ground since I remembered hearing somewhere that you shouldn't ever look a stray dog in the eyes (at least not for too long) as they instinctively take it as a threat/challenge. Then, the most anxiety-inducing thing: the Shepherd grabbed the glove on my hand with his teeth. Luckily, it appeared to only be the probing or even playful kind of a soft bite that even well-behaved dogs may do every once in a while. In the blink of an eye, I could already imagine an upcoming article on my local news website about a freak accident where a young man got mauled by 2 feral hounds. Buut I guess it wasn't my time to shine in the spotlight yet. I pulled my hand away from the Shep as quickly as I could and shouted HEY at the top of my lungs. This could have gone 2 ways, either freeze them in shock or make them turn way more agressive; once again luckily it was the former. They paused for a moment wondering what's going on and I took the opportunity to back away slowly, still avoiding their gazes. Once again, they were growling and staring at me, as if they were preparing to make a jump for me again. Eventually after what seemed like a few minutes but was probably like 10 seconds, I got to the 'eh, screw it' distance where they just turned away and went on to pursue more pushing business than ripping my Adam's apple out. So, since I had no idea what I was doing... I either panicked too much at what was just some stray dogs tryna play with me OR I was really lucky. Either way, I haven't been running again since then due to laziness that I try to justify with minor mental trauma after the whole situation lol; Buut enough about 'em dogs since this is already shaping up to be a wall (if not a tower) of text. On an unrelated note... Santa came early and I finally got a real chair to sit at my desk on for the first time in my life :D It may not seem like that fun of a gift... a goddamn chair... but hell, I'm more excited about it than anything I got in the last couple of years. My spine and butt are especially thankful, cuz I've been sitting on a hard ass wooden dining room chair that was starting to fall apart up to this point lol To whoever's reading this - I hope this post finds your quarantined butt and spine in an equally comfortable position as mine while I'm writing it and I wish you a pleasant whatever-time-of-day-it-is-there and a reasonably snowy winter or reasonably sunny summer :) Ain't nothing better to wish for than a stable climate nowadays eh... -wilton PS - oh, and if you're a dog owner... watch em, will ya? especially if they're like a meter tall :| 🎵 playing: Stina Nordenstram - Under Your Command | |